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Send Emails

YAFFA optionally sends emails to users for various reasons. The following emails can be sent:

  • email verification during registration,
  • password reset,
  • confirm processing of a receipt received via email,
  • notify the admin about user activity.

As all the above features are optional, it's up to you if you want to enable them, and if as a consequence, you want to send emails.


To enable email sending, you need to configure the email settings in the .env file. The following settings are available, and need to be set according to your email provider.

Generally, you can read about the email settings in the Laravel documentation here.

# Select the mailer to use. Most likely you want to use SMTP

# Host and port of the mail server, as defined by your email provider

# Username and password to authenticate with the mail server

# Encryption method to use

# Email address and name to use as the sender, which will be enabled to use by the mail server configured above

When the changes are made, you need to reload the configuration of your deployment using the appropriate Artisan command.

php artisan config:cache