📄️ Technology stack
YAFFA is a web application built with PHP, using Laravel framework. It uses a MySQL database to store data. The application is designed to be self-hosted, meaning that you can install it on your own computer or server, and have full control over your data.
📄️ Install YAFFA using XAMPP for Windows
This guide will help you install a basic working instance of YAFFA on your Windows machine using XAMPP.
📄️ Install and Configure YAFFA on Raspberry Pi
This guide will help you install a basic working instance of YAFFA on your Raspberry Pi. It will guide you through the installation of YAFFA web application itself. This guide assumes that you have already set up your Raspberry Pi with a LEMP stack.
📄️ Install YAFFA using Docker for Windows
This guide will help you install a basic working instance of YAFFA on your Windows machine using Docker.