Installation instructions
In this section, you will find information about how to install and configure the software, including the preparatory steps you need to take to run the application. There are several ways to install YAFFA, depending on your operating system and the environment you want to run it in. You can find detailed instructions for several common setups in the following sections.
📄️ Technology stack
Learn about the technology stack required to run YAFFA personal finance application on your computer or server.
📄️ Install YAFFA using XAMPP for Windows
Learn how to install YAFFA personal finance application on your Windows machine using XAMPP.
📄️ Install YAFFA on a Raspberry Pi
Learn how to install and configure YAFFA on a Raspberry Pi with a LEMP stack, and start managing your finances with ease.
📄️ Install YAFFA using Docker for Windows
This guide will help you install a basic working instance of YAFFA on your Windows machine using Docker.